Mgr. Adam Klocek, Ph.D.
Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Veveří 97
602 00 Brno
Tel.: +420 532 290 284
Zástupce vedoucí v rámci Laboratoře sociálního a emočního vývoje / Social and Emotional Development Lab (SEDL):
Odborné zájmy
- Teorie komplexity a teorie dynamických systémů
- Šikana a viktimizace, sociometrie
- Psychoterapie a klinická psychologie
- Evaluace intervencí (např. ve vzdělávání)
- Statistická analýza dat a psychometrika
- Rané varovné signály a alert systémy
- 2023 – Klinická psychologie (Ph.D.), Katedra psychologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita
- 2019 – Psychologie (Mgr.), Katedra psychologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita
Výzkumné stáže
- 01-06/2022 – Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Leiden University (Nizozemsko)
- 09/2017-01/2018 – Psychology of religion, Wrexham Glyndwr University (Velká Británie)
Vybrané publikace
- Lintner, T., Klocek, A., Ropovik, I., & Kollerová, L. (2023). Relational dynamics in bullying, victimization, and defending perceptions. PsyArXiv.
- Lewis, C. A., Klocek, A., Horký, M., Lewis, M. J., & Baker, S.-A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Purpose in Life Scale among undergraduate UK students. International Journal of Psychology, 58(Suppl. 1), 1062.
- Klocek, A., & Řiháček, T. (2023). The associations between interoceptive awareness, emotion regulation, acceptance, and well-being in patients receiving multicomponent treatment: a dynamic panel network model. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process, and Outcome, 26(2).
- Klocek, A., Premus, J., & Řiháček, T. (2023). Applying dynamic systems theory and complexity theory methods in psychotherapy research: A systematic literature review. Psychotherapy Research, 1-17.
- Klocek, A., & Řiháček, T. (2023). A multicomponent psychodynamic treatment for comorbid disorders: a baseline and post-treatment network comparison. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-26.
- Havrda, M., & Klocek, A. (2023). Well-being impact assessment of artificial intelligence–A search for causality and proposal for an open platform for well-being impact assessment of AI systems. Evaluation and Program Planning, 99, 102294.
- Klocek, A., Řiháček, T., & Cígler, H. (2022). Czech version of the Emotion Regulation Skills Questionnaire (ERSQ): Psychometric evaluation and network model in an adult clinical sample. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication.
- Elavsky, S., Klocek, A., Knapova, L., Smahelova, M., Smahel, D., Cimler, R., & Kuhnova, J. (2021). Feasibility of Real-time Behavior Monitoring Via Mobile Technology in Czech Adults Aged 50 Years and Above: 12-Week Study With Ecological Momentary Assessment. JMIR aging, 4(4), e15220.
- Klocek, A., Řiháček, T., & Cígler, H. (2020). Psychometric Evaluation of the Czech Version of Group Cohesiveness Scale (GCS) in a Clinical Sample: A Two-Dimensional Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3404.
- Knapová, L., Klocek, A., & Elavsky, S. (2020). The Role of Psychological Factors in Older Adults’ Readiness to Use eHealth Technology: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e14670.
- Klocek, A., Šmahelová, M., Knapová, L., & Elavsky, S. (2019). GPs’ perspectives on eHealth use in the Czech Republic: a cross-sectional mixed-design survey study. BJGP open, 3(3).
- Elavsky, S., Knapová, L., Klocek, A., & Šmahel, D. (2018). Mobile Health Interventions for Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep in Adults Aged 50+: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of aging and physical activity, 1-53.