INVITATION: Identity: a personal construct perspective
Thu Dec 05 13:22:18 CET 2024
Prof. David Winter, University of Hertfordshire, UK
This session will consider how self and identity may be viewed in terms of George Kelly’s personal construct psychology and later constructivist approaches. Examples will be provided in the following areas:
i) presentation of psychological problems;
ii) serial killing;
iii) immigration and asylum seeking;
iv) radicalisation and deradicalisation.
The extent to which people can reconstrue their identities will be discussed.
Participants: Mirek Filip, Katka Machovcová
Date: 18th December 2024, 5 p.m. CET
The presentation will take place on the ZOOM platform and registration is required through the provided link.
Two days before the event you will receive a ZOOM link.
The workshop is organized with kind support from the Strategy AV21 program: Research program Identity in a world of wars and crises.