Library Services
The library services include lending books and journals within the library premises (internal loans), lending books on a take‑home basis (absentee loans), access to selected databases, copying and recherche. The book loans from the library’s own collection are provided mainly for the employees of the Institute of Psychology of the CAS, as well as for students, other professionals and other Czech libraries. The library also provides a Wi-Fi connection.
You can request an absentee loan of a book from the library’s collection:
* via a used account in the catalogue or via e-mail (on the condition of being registered with the library)
* in person (you must register as a reader)
* via the ILS service in the Czech Union Catalogue or via e-mail (for libraries only)
Internal loans and copying services do not require a registration.
Inter-library loan service (ILS) is provided to all libraries via the Union Catalogue. Prague libraries can collect their requested loans in person, while libraries outside Prague will receive their loans by mail.
The library provides access to electronic information resources. Learn more here (CZ only).