doc. PhDr. Bc. Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Ph.D.
Institute of Psychology
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 1143/4
182 00 Prague 8
Phone: +420 266 053 858
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 1143/4
182 00 Prague 8
Phone: +420 266 053 858
Research interest
- Affective sciences
- Emotion and emotion regulation
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Qualitative research

FOTO: Jan Jirkovský
- 2018: Associate Professor in Social Psychology, Masaryk University, Faculty od Social Sciences
- 2005 – 2012: Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Charles University, Prague
- 1999 – 2005: Master of Sciences and PhDr. in Psychology, Charles University, Prague
- 1995 – 2000: Bc. degree, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague
Work experience & lecturing
- 2011 - now: doctoral (2013), postdoctoral personnel (2016), researcher (2019), head postdoctoral personnel in the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- 2013 - now: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
- 2011 - now: lecturing personnel and researcher in the Palacky University, Olomouc
- 2010 - now: lecturing personnel and researcher in the Czech Technical University, Prague
- 2020 - 2022: Midlife experience: transistions, crises, and grow
- 2018 - now: Happiness Meanders Study
- 2017 - 2019: The styles of Ego Integrity in the life stories of older adults: narrative perspective
- 2014 - 2017: Positive Youth Development (PYD) Across Cultures Study
- 2014 - 2016: Sex differences in emotional habituation
- 2014 - 2016: Entitlement, belief in life as zero-sum game and subjective well-being: 42-nation study
- 2011 - 2013: Dynamics of resilience and its resources in crewmembers during extended spaceflight simulation
Selected publications
- Ratajová, K., Blatný, J., Poláčková Šolcová, I., Meier, Z., Horňáková, T., Brnka, R., Tavel, P. (2020) Social support and resilience in persons with severe haemophilia: An interpretative phenomenological analysis HAEMOPHILIA 1–7,
- Filip, M., Poláčková Šolcová, I., Kovářová, M., Lukavská, K., Hofer, J., Čermák, I (2020) Dialogical Integration of Life Experiences and Successful Aging. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 4,
- Chrz, V., Dubovská, E., & Poláčková Šolcová, I. Nadir experiences and ego-integrity: types of narrative enactment. Ageing & Society, 1-20. DOI:
- Šolcová, I., Děchtěrenko, F., Poláčková Šolcová, I., Hofer, J., Busch, H., & Au, A. (2020). Cross-Cultural Examination of University Education and Ego Integrity in Late Adulthood: Implications for Policy and Practice. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 1-15.
- Tavel, P., Sandora, J., Furstova, J., Lacev, A., Husek, V., Puzova, Z., ... & Malinakova, K. (2020). Czech Version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale: Evaluation and Psychometric Properties. Psychological Reports,
- Zidkova, R., Glogar, P., Polackova Solcova, I., P van Dijk, J., Kalman, M., Tavel, P., & Malinakova, K. (2020). Spirituality, Religious Attendance and Health Complaints in Czech Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2339 10.3390/ijerph17072339
- Różycka-Tran, J., Piotrowski, J.P., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M. et al. Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries. Curr Psychol (2019). Impakt faktor: 1.468, rok: 2018.
- Šolcová I., Děchtěrenko, F., Poláčková Šolcová, I., Hofer, J., Busch, H., Au. A. (in press) Cross-cultural Examination of University Education and Ego Integrity in Late Adulthood: Implications for Policy and Practice. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, Impakt faktor: 1.061, rok: 2018.
- Au, A., Lai, S., Wu, W., Hofer, J., Busch, H., Poláčková Šolcová, I., & Cheng, S. T. (2020). Generativity and Positive Emotion in Older Adults: Mediation of Achievement and Altruism Goal Attainment Across Three Cultures. Journal of Happiness Studies 21, 677–692. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-019-00101-1 Impakt faktor: 2,511, rok: 2018.
- Filip, M., Lukavská, K., Poláčková Šolcová, I. (2020). Dialogical and Integrated Self in Late Adulthood: Examining Two Adaptive Ways of Growing Old. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 90 (4), 337-362. DOI:0091415019831445, Impakt faktor: 1.175, rok: 2018.