Mgr. Kateřina Machovcová, Ph.D.

Mgr. Kateřina Machovcová, Ph.D.

Institute of Psychology
The Czech Academy of Sciences 
Pod Vodárenskou věží 1143/4
182 00 Prague 8
Phone: +420 266 053 844



Current research interests

  • Working environment in academia
  • Workplace diversity, work-life balance, intersectional approach
  • Support to early career researchers – mentoring
  • Qualitative research


  • 2005 – 2010 Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • 1998 – 2005 MA in Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic


  • 2014 - present: Researcher Institute of Psychology CAS, Department of Methodology, Organizational Studies in Higher Education (OSHE) team, since 11/2023 Head of the Methodology Department
  • 2015 - present: Assistant professor, Faculty of Education, Charles University

Research grants - cooperation

  • 2023 – 2025: SYRI: National institute for research on socioeconomic impacts of diseases and systemic risks (LX22NPO5101). Societal resilience and education (team member)
  • 2020 - 2022: Excellent research between an individual, institution, and discourse: Collaborative construction of research productivity at research institutions. The Czech Science Foundation Grant (PI dr. Kateřina Zábrodská)
  • 2017 - 2019: Developing academic excellence: A systemic approach to high achievement in early career academics. The Czech Science Foundation Grant (PI doc. Jiří Mudrák)
  • 2014 - 2016: Quality of Work Environment and Employee Well-Being in Public Higher Education (principal investigator). The Czech Science Foundation Grant (PI dr. Kateřina Zábrodská)

International fellowships

  • 11/2022, 12/2023: Institute of applied psychology, Faculty of social sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, doc. L. Sokolová (internship AIA/SAIA, Erasmus+)
  • 1/2017: Department of Sociology, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Graz University, prof. L. Oates-Indruchová – Sociology of Gender Chair (Program Aktion, Charles Uni)          
  • 1/2016: Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norsko. Supervize: prof. Agnes Andenæs (EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Funds, Charles Uni)
  • 2008/9: Danish University of Education – Aarhus Uni, Kodaň, Dánsko. Supervize: prof. Dorte Staunaes (5 months, Danish Governmental Award, Masaryk Uni)
  • 2007: Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norsko. Supervize: Dr. Agnes Andenæs. (4 měsíce, EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Funds, Masaryk Uni)
  • 2004: Utrecht University (4 months, SOCRATES/ERASMUS, Masaryk Uni)

Selected publications

  • Šeďová, K., Obrovská, J., Hlado, P., Lojdová, K., Machovcová, K., Stupak, O., … Lintner, T. (2024). ‘They usually look happy.’ approaches to the adaptation of Ukrainian refugees in Czech schools. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1–22.
  • Machovcova, K., Kováts, G., Mudrák, J., Cidlinská, K., & Zábrodská, K. (2023). (Dis)continuities in academic middle management career trajectories: a longitudinal qualitative study. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 46(2), 200–217.
  • Machovcová, K., Mudrák, J. Cidlinská, K., Zábrodská, K. (2022). Early career researchers as active followers: perceived demands of supervisory intervention in academic workplaces. Higher Education Research & Development, online first:
  • Cidlinská, K., Nyklová, B., Machovcová, K., Mudrák, J., Zábrodská, K. (2022). “Why I don’t want to be an academic anymore?” When academic identity contributes to academic career attrition. Higher Education, online first:
  • Mudrák, J., Zábrodská, K., Machovcová, K., Cidlinská, K., Takács, L. (2021).  Competing values at public universities: Organizational cultures and job demands-resources in academic departments. Higher Education Quarterly, 76(1), 153-173
  • Mudrák, J., Zábrodská, K., & Machovcová, K. (2020). A self-determined profession? Perceived work conditions and the satisfaction paradox among Czech Academic Faculty. Sociologicky Casopis, 56(3), 387-418.
  • Mudrak, J., Zabrodska, K., & Machovcová, K. (2020). Psychological constructions of learning potential and a systemic approach to the development of excellence. High Ability Studies, 31(2), 181-212.
  • Machovcová, K., Zábrodská, K., & Mudrák, J. (2019). Department heads negotiating emerging managerialism: The Central Eastern European context. Educational Management Administration & Leadership47(5), 712-729.
  • Machovcová, K., Zábrodská, K. Mudrák, J. (2018). Department heads negotiating emerging managerialism. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. First published 28 January 2018.
  • Mudrák, J., Zábrodská, K., Květon, P., Jelínek, M., Blatný, M., Šolcová, I., Machovcová, K. (2017). Occupational well-being among university faculty: A job demands-resources model. Research in higher education. 59/3.

FOTO: Jan Jirkovský