Dr. Kateřina Chládková, M.A.

Dr. Kateřina Chládková, M.A.

Institute of Psychology
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 1143/4
182 00 Prague 8
Phone: +420 266 053 851
E-mail: chladkova@praha.psu.cas.cz



Research Interests

I work on the cognitive processing of speech and language with focus on speech sound learning and category formation in adults and infants. I am interested in all areas of laboratory phonology and phonetics in general. My current projects aim to describe the development al trajectory of various types of vowel contrasts in Czech-learning infants, assessing the effects of pre-natal exposure in newborns and the effects of talker accent on speech sound learning in older infants. I use behavioural (e.g. looking paradigms), neurophysiological (ERPs) and computational methods (neural networks).

Our research features in a video on baby language, morning TV show and news report on native and second language speech learning.

Full CV here.


  • 2014 Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, PhD
  • 2009 Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, MA in General linguistics
  • 2008 Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, BA in English and Dutch philology


  • since 2018: researcher – Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • since 2018: assistant professor – Faculty of Arts, Charles University
  • 2016 – 2018: post-doc – Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig (Germany)
  • 2018 – 2021: guest researcher – MEG group, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
  • 2014 – 2021: guest researcher – Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • 2013 – 2014: post-doc – Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • 2009 – 2013: PhD candidate – Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, Universiteit van Amsterdam


  • 2021 – 2023: Learning to recognize words: a developmental cross-dialectal perspective (PI, CSF)
  • 2021 – 2023: Diagnostic tool for assessment of communicative development in Czech children from 8 to 30 months (co-investigator, TACR)
  • 2018 – 2020: Acquiring a quantity language: infants' input and perceptual processing of vowel length (PI, from Charles University)
  • 2018 – 2020: The effect of talker accent on speech sound acquisition (PI, from Czech Science Foundation GACR)
  • 2016 – 2018: Piecing auditory cues together: how we learn to integrate cues in speech perception (post-doctoral individual fellowship Rubicon, from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO)
  • 2014: Endeavour Research Fellowship from the Australian government, for a 6-month research period - not realized due to family commitments

Selected Publications


Publication Activity